Building a Sustainable Project

Sustainability has been identified as a key element of the Laurel Valley Transportation Improvement Project (LVTIP). 

IMG 1151 web

According to the Federal Highway Administration’s website:

"Sustainability is often described using the 'triple bottom line' concept, which includes giving consideration to three primary principles: Social, Environmental, and Economic. The goal of sustainability is the satisfaction of basic social and economic needs, both present and future, and the responsible use of natural resources, all while maintaining or improving the well-being of the environment on which life depends."

By incorporating sustainable practices throughout project development focusing on planning, design, construction and maintenance of the LVTIP, the project will remain viable throughout its serviceable life.

Learn More About Our Sustainability Efforts

The LVTIP is examining land use and community characteristics to enhance the understanding of the corridor’s context within Mount Pleasant and Unity townships, Westmoreland County, and the region. The Project team worked collaboratively with local stakeholders to identify existing local and county development initiatives, outlined strategies to manage access points along the corridor, and preserve land use and community context. By working proactively, PennDOT and local elected officials can establish a collective vision for the future and achieve desired community goals.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), PennDOT and the LVTIP Project Team collaborated to implement the FHWA’s INVEST (Infrastructure Voluntary Evaluation Sustainability Tool) online scoring tool to evaluate project sustainability. INVEST encourages the incorporation of sustainability measures into transportation design and construction, so that a project holds its value, fit, function and serviceability over time.

INVEST Workshop


The LVTIP project scored highly, utilizing a customized INVEST Project Development scoring module to evaluate sustainability. Topic areas include context sensitive project development, ecological connectivity, construction waste management, and highway and traffic safety. The collaborative INVEST scoring workshop was conducted December 15, 2017, involving FHWA and PennDOT staff, and members of the consultant Project Team. The group evaluated project sustainability and identified opportunities to further enhance related efforts moving forward.

View the INVEST Scorecard